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Statement In Accordance With The Former Art. 13 Of The EU Regulation N. 679/2016

Dear Sir / Madam,
We wish to inform You that according to the  above mentioned decree (art. 13 of the EU Regulation n. 679/2016) Your Personal Data (name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number and fax number, tax data, financial and economic data etc. ) will be processed in the following manner and for the following purposes.

1. Subject of the Processing

The Owner processes personal identification data (for example name, surname, company name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, fax number, financial and economic data etc.) communicated by You at the time of the conclusion of contracts for services provided by the Owner himself and/or through the appropriate forms on the website www.italiacamp.com.

2. Purpose of the processing

We inform You that the collected data will be used for:
A. Without Your express consent:
  1. to finalise agreements for the supply of services provided by the Owner;
  2. fulfil the pre-contractual, contractual and fiscal obligations deriving from existing relationships with You;
  3. fulfil the obligations provided for by the law, by a Regulation, by Community legislation or by the order of an Authority (such as antimony laundering legislation);
  4. exercise the rights of the Owner (for example the right of defence in a judgment);
  5. administrative/accounting purposes such as, for example: compliance with tax or accounting obligations;
  6. manage the registration request as a member of the ItaliaCamp Association and manage the association relationship between the interested party and the Association.
B. Only with Your specific and express consent for the following purposes:
  1. allow navigation within the site;
  2. following up your request for contact and/or information through the contact details supplied in the appropriate forms on the site;
  3. carry out and complete the registration on the portal;
  4. participate and manage participation in contests, ideas, call for ideas, project selections and through the portal;
  5. participate and manage participation in meetings and/or events managed and/or organized by the Owner;
  6. insert the loading of “Ideas” through the portal and manage the services, activities and opportunities connected to them;
  7. send you newsletters to update you about our activities, to promote our services and to publicise events we organise; you can always unsubscribe from our mailing lists through the procedure indicated at the bottom of the communication received containing the newsletter. For more information, we invite You to consult the related disclosure in the “subscribe to the newsletter” section on the www.italiacamp.com site by accessing through the appropriate link.
  8. carry out statistical analysis (internal) in aggregate form.
The legal basis of the processing is the execution of the contract of which You are a part, and the fulfilment of the obligations connected to the existing relationship and/or the consent given by You to the treatment itself.
The personal data held by the Owner (s) are collected through users.
In any event, all these data are processed in compliance with the aforementioned legislation and with the obligations of confidentiality and the principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency.
A. Navigation data
Indeed, the computer systems and software procedures used to operate this Portal acquire, in normal operating, some personal data that is transmitted implicitly in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but due to its nature could, through processing and processing with data held by third parties, allow users/visitors to be identified (e.g. IP address, computer domain names used by users connecting to the site, the code indicating the response status of data from the server, type of browser, etc.). These data are used only for statistical information (therefore they are anonymous) and to check the correct functioning of the Portal. The data about web contacts are not kept, however, over six months, except for any verification of computer crimes against the site.
No data deriving from the web service will be communicated or disseminated.
B. Cookies 
Cookies consist of portions of code, installed in the browser, that assist the Owner in providing the service, depending on the described purposes. Some of the purposes of installing cookies may also require the consent of the user. The purposes and methods of the processing carried out through the Cookies within this Portal are better explained in the disclosure section available at this link.

3. Nature of data supply and of refusal to answer consequences:

The provision of data for the purposes referred to in art. 2.A is mandatory; in case of failure to provide the data, we cannot guarantee the services referred to in art. 2.A.
The provision of data for the purposes referred to in art. 2.B is optional, so you can decide not to give any data or subsequently deny the possibility of processing data already supplied: in this case you cannot be contacted and/or make use of the opportunities and services connected to the provision of such data.

4. Processing methods:

The processing of Your personal data is carried out by means of the operations indicated in the art. 4 n. 2 of the EU Regulation n. 679/2016 and precisely: collection, recording, organisation, storage, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, deletion and destruction of data.
Your data is subjected to both paper and electronic and automated processing, in compliance with an internal procedure and technical measures capable of guaranteeing the security, integrity and confidentiality of the data.
Personal data will be stored for a period of time no longer than necessary to fulfill the aforementioned purposes and in any case for no more than 10 years from the termination of the relationship.

5. Subjects to whom personal data may be disclosed:

Your personal data may be disclosed to:
1. Personnel of the company as persons responsible for processing and/or external managers and/or system administrators for the management of procedures concerning the agreement: the personnel has been duly instructed in matters of security of personal data and protection of privacy.
2. To third-party companies or other subjects (by way of example: Members, Professional offices, Consultants, Banks, etc.) for the fulfillment of the obligations connected to the service requested by You and provided.
In any event, the prohibition on communicating or disseminating Your personal data to subjects not necessary for the performance of the services requested by You remains unaffected.
The updated list of data processors Responsibles  is kept at the registered office of the Owner of the processed data.

6. Rights of interested parties

You have the right, at any time, to exercise the following rights:
  1. access to personal data;
  2. rectify and erase personal data or limit the processing of the data;
  3. opposition the processing of personal data;
  4. portability of personal data;
  5. withhdraw Your consent, where envisaged – the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation;
  6. lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority (Privacy Guarantor).

7. Proprietor of the treatment:

The Owner of treated personal data for the purposes indicated in nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 of point 2B is ItaliaCamp S.r.l., in the person of the legal representative p.t., with registered office in Rome, Viale Pola n. 12, P.I. 12079681008, tel n.: 0694421200, pec: italiacampsrl@poste-certificate.it
The Owner of treated personal data for the purposes indicated in n. 6 of point 2A is the ItaliaCamp Association, in the person of the Owner, with registered office in Rome, Viale Pola n. 12, C.F. : 97611580586, tel n.: 0694421200, n. tel: 0694421200, pec: italiacamp@pec.it

8. Procedure for exercising the rights:

The exercise of Your rights may take place at any time by sending a request to the following e-mail address: privacy@italiacamp.com
We will reply to requests within 30 days. However, the completion times of the same may be longer. However, we will make sure to communicate these details via e-mail. All information supplied to us in the request will be used only for the fulfillment of the same and will be deleted within 12 months.