15 dic 2021
Impact management, a Boost for Scaling up
A Lazio Innova on-line event to answer the question: how can the impact management logic support organizations in the scale-up phase?

The 15th of December, Lazio Innova with Italiacamp will organize “Impact management, a Boost for Scaling Up” an on-line seminar open to partners and stakeholders participating in the Scale-Up Europe program and all professionals and organizations interested in the topic.
The event will addresses how impact management can be useful for accompanying the scale-up of any kind of organization.
The event wants to achieve 3 goals:
- offer a preliminary overview of an important trend that is affecting all sectors and all markets: sustainability and impact;
- examples of application to the world of finance: impact investing and new financial instruments for start-ups in the growth phase;
- stimulate a moment of open discussion among participants and sharing of possible experiences by Partners.
The event wants to offer an additional perspective for the implementation of good practices in support of business growth, according to the SCALE UP program.
SCALE UP is an Interreg Europe project devoted to improving policy instruments to support SMEs capacity to grow in regional, national and international markets.
The Interreg Europe programme is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and supports policy learning among regional and local authorities and managing authorities Europe-wide. Interreg Europe aims to improve the performance of regional development policies and programmes offering opportunities to exchange best-practices to ameliorate public policies for European citizens. Interreg Europe projects’ actions fall into one of the following four categories:
- research and innovation;
- SME competitiveness;
- low-carbon economy;
- environment and resource efficiency.
Impact Management: Why?
The analysis and management of the non-financial value generated by organizations are becoming a crucial issue in organizational and investment choices.
In recent years and even more in this time of pandemic crisis, there has been growing attention to the ability of an organization to be sustainable not only economically but also environmentally and to generate positive value for the community and stakeholders.
The analysis of impact factors has become a particular discriminating factor in investment choices and can therefore influence the growth and development of an organization.
This trend is valid for both private and public funds and is also part of a regulatory context that is going to outline an increasingly systemic approach to these issues.
In this sense, supporting organizations in the scale-up phase in the knowledge and application of a managerial and organizational approach that takes these aspects into account means favoring the development of a business model that is impact-oriented and in line with the evolution of the capital supply.
15.30 Welcome and results of SCALE UP program
Ilaria Corsi | Head of European Projects Office and Enterprise Europe Network Contact Point Lazio Innova
Ivana Rae Almora | Project and Policy Officer at EURADA
15.45 From SCALE UP program to an impact perspective
Gabriella Barone | Strategic Marketing Manager Italiacamp
15.50 Giving value to the non-financial value: Purpose of capital
Cristiano Busco | Professor of Accounting, Reporting & Sustainability Luiss Business School and University of Roehampton
16.10 Impact and fundraising: funds perspective
Helen Chiappini | Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Banking and Finance G. D’Annunzio University
16.30 Impact readiness: Italian startup case
Elisabetta Scognamiglio | Head of Communities Domain Italiacamp
16.50 Q&A session & conclusions
Helen Chiappini | Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Banking and Finance G. D’Annunzio University
Ilaria Corsi | Head of European Projects Office and Enterprise Europe Network Contact Point
Elisabetta Scognamiglio | Head of Communities Domain Italiacamp