07 set 2022
Italiacamp is partner of Sistema Invitalia Startup for business creation and development
It supports companies in the creation or growth of entrepreneurial initiatives

For the third consecutive year, Italiacamp is a partner of Sistema Invitalia start-up, a network of incubators, accelerators, business angels, investors, development agencies and trade associations that work together for the creation and development of innovative enterprises. As a member of the network, Italiacamp works with companies on paths for the creation or growth of entrepreneurial initiatives also thanks to the measures made available by Invitalia.
What are some of the incentives currently available? And who can access the measures?
Smart&Start Italia
Smart&Start Italia is the incentive measure that supports the creation and growth of innovative start-ups, financing projects ranging from EUR 100,000 to EUR 1.5 million. The following are eligible for funding:
- Small innovative start-ups, established for no more than 60 months;
- Teams of natural persons wishing to establish an innovative start-up in Italy, even if resident abroad, or foreign citizens in possession of a “start-up visa”;
- Foreign companies that undertake to establish at least one office in Italy.
The business project must meet at least one of the following conditions:
- Having a significant technological and innovative content;
- Being oriented towards the development of products, services or solutions in the field of the digital economy, artificial intelligence, blockchain and the internet of things
- Being aimed at the economic exploitation of public and private research results
Expenses that can be financed include: new plant, machinery and equipment, hardware and software components, salary costs of employees and collaborators, investments in marketing and web marketing. The measure also supports business operating costs such as raw materials, hosting and housing, and services necessary to conduct business.
To date, 1,360 start-ups have been financed through EUR 523 million in grants and 8,679 new jobs created*.
The application can only be submitted online on Invitalia’s platform and expenses must be incurred in the 24 months following the signing of the contract. The requirements that qualify a company as an “innovative start-up” are set out in Article No. 25 of the Law Decree No. 179/2012. More details on the requirements can be found here.
Resto al Sud
Resto al Sud is the incentive measure that supports the establishment and development of new business and freelance activities in Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Apulia, Sardinia, Sicily, in the earthquake crater areas of central Italy (the 116 Municipalities of Lazio, Marche Umbria) and in the minor marine, lagoon and lake islands of central and northern Italy.
It is aimed at those between 18 and 55 years of age, but there are no age limits for the 24 Municipalities in the earthquake crater areas of Central Italy where more than 50% of the buildings have been declared uninhabitable.
The available funds amount to EUR 1.25 billion. The incentive covers up to 100 per cent of the expenses, with a maximum funding of EUR 50,000 per applicant, which can go up to EUR 200,000 for companies with four partners.
The eligible expenses include:
- Production activities in industry, handicrafts, processing of agricultural products, fishing and aquaculture;
- Provision of business and personal services;
- Tourism;
- Commerce;
- Self-employed activities (both individual and corporate).
Agricultural activities are excluded.
To date, 12,338 initiatives have been financed through EUR 426.3 million in subsidies granted and 44,789 jobs created*.
Cultura Crea per imprese culturali
“Cultura Crea 2.0” is the renewed and enhanced version of “Cultura Crea”, the incentive measure that supports the creation and growth of enterprises and non-profit initiatives in the tourism and culture sector. Funding is available in the regions of Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Apulia and Sicily.
The measure is aimed at micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the cultural and creative industry, including teams of people who want to set up a company, and at third sector entities. “Cultura Crea 2.0” is also aimed at business networks for integrated projects.
To date, 405 companies have been financed through EUR 67 million in grants and 1,101 jobs created*.
Applications can only be submitted online from 26 April 2021.
In addition to the aforementioned measures, as of 12 September companies in the areas hit by the 2009 and 2016 earthquakes will also be able to access the resources of NextAppennino, the programme for the economic and social revitalisation of Abruzzo, Lazio, Marche, and Umbria financed by the Supplementary Fund for the Earthquake Areas of the PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan).
The macro-measure is aimed largely at the business system, to foster development, employment growth, and social inclusion, including through the third sector, tourism, culture, the circular economy, making the recycling of rubble possible and efficient, and supporting the wood and agri-food supply chain. The package of interventions is divided into 4 sub-measures:
- Economic investment support and rubble recycling – EUR 388 million;
- Tourism, culture, sport and inclusion – EUR 180 million;
- Circular economy and agri-food supply chains – EUR 50 million;
- Research and higher education – EUR 80 million.
Responsibility for the interventions is entrusted to a Coordination Committee composed of the Extraordinary Commissioner for post-earthquake reconstruction in 2016, who chairs it, the head of the Abruzzo 2009 Earthquake Structure, the Head of the Casa Italia Department, the Presidents of the Abruzzo, Lazio, Marche and Umbria Regions, and representatives of the Mayors of the four Regions.
For the management of the interventions, the implementing bodies make use of Invitalia, Unioncamere and the regional development companies for the promotion of the incentives and accompaniment of the enterprises. Visit the Next Appennino portal.
Contact us for more information on Invitalia’s measures and to start a personalised growth path.
*All data are updated as at 1 July 2022