July 6th 2023
Italiacamp: Shareholders approve the 2022 Integrated Report and appoints the Board of Directors
The economic impact generated in 2022 is 9,7 millions euros

The Shareholders’ Meeting of Italiacamp was held on Tuesday 4 July. The representatives of Associazione Italiacamp, Poste Italiane, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane, Invitalia, TIM, RCS MediaGroup and UnipolSai approved the 2022 Integrated Report and appointed the members of the new Board of Directors for the next three years.
The 2022 Integrated Report
Italiacamp srl has approved the 2022 Integrated Report which contains the Financial Statements and the Report on Operations integrated with non-financial information relating to the organization’s commitment in economic and social value creation.
The Report follows the IIRC (International Integrated Reporting Council) Framework and represents a further step compared to the 2021 one, since it puts financial and non-financial aspects in a single document together with the assessment of the created value for all the stakeholders.
This is exactly what characterizes the Italiacamp approach: combining impact evaluation within the the Integrated Framework approach in order to expand the analysis til the creation of value for shareholders, people, society and communities, providing an overall vision of the business fully responding to the logic of the Integrated Thinking.
The document provides a complete view of company performance and of the value chain, reporting also some of the news indicated by the recent European directive CSRD – (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive).
The decision to include some of this new information, even if not mandatory for the organization, confirms the intention to generate value and positive social and economic impact for communities, defined upstream in a planning process strategically related to the development and growth goals of the organization together with economic and social objectives.
The 2022 Integrated Report certifies a production value of 4,337,993 euros with an EBITDA margin of 13%. The direct, indirect and induced economic impact measured using the Leontief model is 9,688,835 euros (+28% in the last two years).
If we consider the relationship between the economic impact and the value of the investments made by shareholders, each euro invested in Italiacamp has generated 12.4 euros of economic impact in the economic system.
In 2022 Italiacamp has been working on its relationship in order to expand its network which has grown by 10% compared to 2021, counting 220 stakeholders in total involved. The value of this activities is around 8,915,197 euros. If we also consider the social effects generated thanks to Italiacamp’s commitment to communicate sustainability culture or to spread innovation opportunities, the economic value of the social impact generated is 10,588,635 euros.
Board of Directors 2023 – 2026
Shareholders confirmed Luigi Mastrobuono as Chairman, Guglielmo Casciaro as Vice Chairman and Fabrizio Sammarco as CEO. Cristina Calabrese, Gianni Letta and Michele Scarpelli were also confirmed as Board Member. Carlo Borgomeo, former President of the CON IL SUD Foundation, joins the Board.