14 gen 2021
Investing for Good: a university workshop on impact investing
Students learn how to develop impact investments through real-life case studies and testimonials from the world of corporate and financial innovation.

Italiacamp is a design and educational partner of companies, schools, universities and organisations for the creation of educational and empowerment programmes. Among these, the Investing for Good Lab, now in its fourth edition, is a university laboratory created with national and international companies and institutions that allows students to approach the logic of impact policies and investments: a concrete experience of the emerging paradigm of impact policy making and investing, through the study and testing of tools and methodologies for impact management and assessment.
40 students from the Departments of Business and Management, Political Science and Law of the Luiss Guido Carli University participated in the fourth edition of the workshop, which ended in December 2020. During the course, in addition to theory lessons held by some members of the Italiacamp team as lecturers and testimonials from the world of innovation, the students develop – in teams – impact investment projects on real cases, i.e. the start-ups participating in the lab as case studies.
In the first part of the course, students learn the methodologies and tools that will be used during the impact analysis. Afterwards, students meet the start-ups and, in teams, start the work of evaluating the case studies, which is based on investment analysis (pipeline, funding, due diligence) and on economic, financial and impact analysis. In the latter phase, the social impact measurement method developed by Italiacamp is also applied. The workshop ends with a final pitch in which the teams present their analyses.
This edition’s lectures were complemented by executive lectures by Guido Fienga, CEO of AS Roma, Cecile Blilious, Head of Impact & Sustainability at Pitango Venture Capital, Then Volker, Executive Director of the Center for Social Investment at the University of Heidelberg and Giovanni De Caro, Strategic and Financial Advisor and member of the board of Campania NewSteel.
Five start-ups took part in this year’s edition:
- Elaisian, which has developed an agronomic algorithm to support farmers in preventing diseases in olive groves and vineyards. Thanks to a device, producers receive notifications, emails and text messages on the status of their crops for their daily activities.
- Netgenomics, which analyses the DNA sequence using state-of-the-art technology to translate the genetic code and identify predispositions to various diseases, susceptibility to developing abnormal inflammatory processes, metabolic alterations, food intolerances, etc. It also suggests how to improve one’s lifestyle.
- Pedius, an application that enables phone calls between hearing and deaf people by transcribing the recipient’s voice and, if necessary, pronouncing the messages that the caller enters on their device. Pedius thus responds to the need of deaf people to be able to use the telephone normally and in total autonomy and respect for privacy.
- BusforFun, a mobility company for shared and green transport to experience the world of fun. It is the largest European network of buses for events: low-emission buses with the highest safety and environmental standards to make the offer sustainable and convenient compared to the use of other means.
- PerSafety, a company welfare start-up that provides an integrated system of information on the psychophysical state of operators and workers, also based on the environmental conditions in which they live, to increase wellbeing and safety.
The workshop activity was carried out by the students in groups that developed an analysis of the impact generated by the start-ups. We congratulate Francesco Nocerino, Lorenzo di Feo, Giuseppe Carrano and Valeria Riccardi, whose analysis of the start-up Netgenomics obtained the best result. The virtual podium was completed by Antonio Striano, Lorenzo Alessandrini, Carlo Feroci and Alessia Lubrano – who analysed the startup Elaisian – and Lavinia Teppati, Pietro Pistelli, Marco Lucia and Amedeo Bizzotto – who worked on Persafety.
Investing for Good has confirmed itself as a laboratory for experimenting common languages between companies, start-ups and universities: as in past editions, the best students will have the opportunity to be selected for a curricular internship at Italiacamp.